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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Balancing a diet with craft beer consumption

Basically the whole gist of this blog, right?  Billy Broas of recently wrote a great blog post comparing the most popular diets and how they look at beer consumption.  You can find his blog post here.
The short of it is that most diets today do not take into consideration that many of us like to drink craft beer, and carbs from alcohol are not allowed in most diets.  Billy reminds us that "95% of people that lose weight on diets put it back on." So what does he recommend?
  1. Drink in moderation - makes sense to me, just like I know I should eat in moderation.
  2. Take a break - if you need to give up beer for a week or two to kick start your weight loss program, do it.  Most of the popular diets require it anyway. I had my week at Manatoc that was craft beer free.
  3. Remember that we make bad eating choices when we drink - I mean, who doesn't love going to the Lizard and having a couple of beers with a pile of wings?
So my mantra going forward is "moderation" with increased exercise to help me make my goal.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Well said! Now if only I could find a week where I don't enjoy a craft beer!!!
