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Friday, April 17, 2015

How did I get here?

Note: Apologies for this post, obviously I thought I was much faster that I actually was.  Thanks to my brother Joe for setting me straight!

When I graduated from high school in 1980 I weighed 145 pounds. I was a running machine.  If memory serves me correctly, I ran a 4:32 mile my senior year.  I probably ran a 4:50 something mile.

Me in my leaner HS days!

In college I was running sub 25 minutes for 5 miles in cross country.  Not shabby! Ok, I have no clue how fast I was in college, probably sub 30 minutes, but who the hell knows!

OK, so the rest of this is pretty factual!

My sophomore year I was plagued with some injuries and did not run competitively after that.  Of course I gained some weight and the last race I remember running was the Corporate Challenge in Central Park in the late 80's early 90's.  It just about killed me!  I was done as a runner.
When I got married in '93 I weighed 185 pounds. It's been a weight roller coaster ever since, and hopefully I'm on a better healthier path now.
The reason I mention my running past is I'm considering running a race this summer.  Nothing big, just a 5k, but for me it will be a huge accomplishment!


  1. Looking great in those short shorts, John F. Fay!

    Let us know where you plan to run. We'll try to cheer you on.

  2. Thanks Renee! I'll let you know when I decide.
