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Monday, June 8, 2015

Race results

Prior to Saturday's race I posted a picture of the finish line on Instagram with the caption "My one and only goal"
Since I had not run 3.1 miles consecutively, either on the treadmill or outside, I really was not sure how I was going to do or if I could run that distance without stopping.  My training consisted of mainly interval work on the treadmill; 90 seconds walking at a 16:40 pace, followed by 30 seconds at a 8:32 pace, usually for an hour or 90 minutes.  If I wasn't doing the intervals, I would walk for an hour or more at the 16:40 pace.  Sometimes I would go longer, 5-10 minutes at the faster pace, but never for a full workout.  Honestly, during training, I was a bit scared to go out a run...I wasn't sure how I would do...I did run outside twice, but I had to walk off and on, although not to the extent on the treadmill.

My initial goal in January did not have a race in it at all.  My goal was to lose weight, while continuing to drink craft beer.  This race thing was a "nice" outcome of my training. I was pretty nervous before the race.  I was glad only 150 had registered.  It was a nice size group running through the neighborhoods of Westlake.  I had picked up a Garmin Forerunner to track my training, but it was really helpful during the race, knowing what my pace was, how far I had gone. I had, of course gone out a bit fast, you know, all that adrenaline, but I felt good, and kept it up.  Mile 1 and 2 went by rather easily, but then I got tired.  I thought about walking a number of times, but I kept looking for people in front of me to target to catch up to.  I remember Coach Roth (HS cross country coach) telling us to pull them in, like on a rope.  40 years later that's what I did, one by one until I could see the finish line.

When I was done, I looked at my watch - 24:05 - holy crap!  I called Rose, I ate my banana, I drank my free beer (The best friggin' beer ever!) and I talked to some people I knew.  I was exhausted, I had nothing left in me.  I had a 45 minute drive home I had no idea how I was going to do :-) There were some issues with the official timing of the race, so they did not have the results after the race. Today they posted the official results and I finished 2nd in my age group and finished 23rd overall.  The chip results from the race had me at 24:09, I'll take it!

I plan to run in a couple of more races this summer.  I'm not sure I can replicate this accomplishment, but I know that it's all about the PR, bettering yourself each time you go out, so here's to a 24:00 in my next race!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Running a 5k tonight

Last night I picked up my number and race swag for having registered for the Black Box 5K today. It's been almost 20 years since I've run in a road race.  I'm a bit nervous.  Pre-race jitters. I shouldn't be. Honestly, this is an outcome of exercising and losing weight I had not anticipated.  The good news is I got a cool beer glass and this shirt out of it.
The better news is that instead of ordering an XL, that I've worn for years to try and hide my fat, it's a large, and it fits!
Wish me luck, and I'll see you at the finish line, where they will be serving beer! (Yes, beer. I am the Craftbeerloser guys!)